№ 7 (07) 2011.

"Oil. Gas. Innovations ╩№ 7 / 2011

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Glavnvya theme rooms: 6th International Scientific Conference Modern technologies of well workover and oil recovery enhancement. Development prospects

Problems of the fields

Reasons mezhkolonnyh pressures and ways of solving problems on Chinarevskoye gas condensate field

Reasons of Annular Pressure and the Ways to Resolve This at Chinarevskoye Oil-Gas-Condensate Field

Chelpin NS Chelpin NS {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Chelpin NS / TOO "Zhaikmunai" / contact: nikolay.chelpin @ zhaikmunai.kz Chelpin NS (TOO "Zhaikmunai ') {tab = keywords} mezhkolonnoe pressure, well, the technological solution, deposit, casing, wellhead pressure. {Tab = Key words} annular pressure, a well, process solution, oil field, casing, well-head pressure {tab =} Abstract This article analyzes the experience of LLP "Zhaikmunai" in carrying out the complex reasons for establishing mezhkolonnyh pressures. As a result of grazing activities and the elimination of angular momentum in the wells CHNGKM the problem has now much reduced. There is absolutely no wells with dangerous MCD. The pressure and volume of bleed fluid does not exceed the limit value. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The paper presents the practical experience of TOO "Zhaikmunai" in performing the operations to define the reasons of annular pressure. As a result of completed depressurizing actions and annular pressure control in the wells of the Chinarevskoye field the acute of the problem was severely reduced by now. At present there are no wells with hazardous annular pressure. The pressure parameters and the volume of the release fluids do not exceed the maximum allowable values.

Improving the reliability of oil and gas wells through the use of efficient technologies

Increase in Reliability of Oil and Gas Wells' Operation Due to the Application of Effective Procedures

Gasumov RA, Shikhaliev IJ Gasumov RA, Shikhaliev I.Yu. {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Gasumov RA / JSC "SevKavNIPIgaz" / IY Shikhaliev / JSC "SevKavNIPIgaz" / Gasumov RA (OAO "SevKavNIPIgas"), Shikhaliev I.Yu. (OAO "SevKavNIPIgas") {tab = keywords} well, the technology field, mezhkolonnye overflows, bottom-hole zone, well workover, process fluid and annulus fluid mezhkolonnye overflows, coiled tubing installation. {Tab = Key words} a well, procedure, field, annulus cross-flows, BH zone, well work-over, process fluid, fluid annulus and annular cross-flows, coiled-tubing rig {tab =} Abstract The paper describes technologies aimed at preserving and restoring the productivity of oil, gas and condensate wells, increasing the reliability of their operation. These technologies are widely used in the fields and underground gas storage in Russia and abroad. The results obtained confirm the effectiveness of the implementation of development "SevKavNIPIgaz." {Tab = ABSTRACT} The paper presents the description of the procedures, the trends to preserve and to restore the efficiency of oil, gas and gas condensate wells, to increase their operative reliability. The presented procedures have been widely applied at the fields and subsurface gas storages in Russia and outside it. The obtained practical application results verify the effectiveness of OAO "SevKavNIPIgas" design works.

Increased oil recovery

Improving Oil Recovery: nesbyvayuschiesya hope. Action Territory

EOR - Frustrated Hopes. Area for Further Actions

Poddubny Y. Poddubny Yu.A. {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Poddubny Y. / Well Explorers Club at the Institute of Oil and Gas Business / Poddubny Yu.A. (Well Survey Club at the Institute of Petroleum Business) {tab = keywords} increase oil recovery, oil recovery factor (ORF), flow rate, hard-to-stock, marginal and highly watered wells, tertiary methods, methods of enhanced oil recovery (EOR), a national program legal framework for oil production. {Tab = Key words} EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery), oil recovery factor (ORF), production rate, hard-to-recover reserves, low-rate and high water-cut wells, tertiary production methods, Increase Oil Recovery (IOR) , national programs, legal aspects of oil production {tab = Abstract} now in the country at various levels to actively discuss the problem of enhanced oil recovery in oil exploration due to reduced quality of remaining recoverable reserves of oil and the apparent negative dynamics of design recovery factor (ORF). In the "Energy Strategy of Russia until 2030" even set an indicator of the strategic development of the oil complex "increase oil recovery from 0.3 to 0,35-0,37." However, what these values ​​of CIN, as far as they are relevant and consistent with the realities of oil production in Russia? According to the author, in many cases are discussed and publicized in the press, as well as included in the official documents of little sound and strategic areas for action. Analysis of the key issues of oil extraction in Russia and the justification of the possible priorities for action in relation to international practice and the subject of this article. {Tab = ABSTRACT} At present there is a wide discussion in the country at various level related to EOR aspects during the oil field development process, that is referred to oil quality decrease in recoverable reserves and obvious drop in ultimate negative dynamics of design oil recovery factors. The 2030 Russian Energy Strategy contains the following strategic oil economy index of development as "to increase the oil recovery rate from 0.3 to 0.35 - 0.37". However, what is backing these indices up, what is the level of their urgency and whether these coincide the actual status of oil recovery in Russia? Following the opinion of the author mass media discusses and advertizes and official documents contain the poorly substantiated positions and strategic ways of actions. The present paper is dedicated to the analysis of Russian major problems in oil recovery and substantiates possible priorities on the way as compared to the international practice.

Effect of composition of the flooding agent in oil recovery efficiency. Physico-chemical parameters of the displacing agent

Influence of Water-flooding Reagent Composition upon the Efficiency of Oil Recovery. Physical and Chemical Parameters of Oil Displacing Agent

Afanasiev I., Sergeichev AV Kashtanova LE, VP Zakharov, Thelin A., Ismagilov, TA Afanasiev IS, Sergeychev Av, Kashtanova LE, Zakharov VP, Telin AG, Ismagilov TA {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Afanasiev IS, Sergeichev AV / JSC "NK" Rosneft "/ Kashtanova A . EG / OOO "RN-UfaNIPIneft" / Zakharov, VP / OOO "RN-UfaNIPIneft" / contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Thelin AG / LLC "RN-UfaNIPIneft" / telinag @ ufanipi. ru, Ismagilov TA / OOO "RN-UfaNIPIneft" / Afanasiev IS, Sergeychev Av (OAO "OC" Rosneft "), LE Kashtanova (OOO" RN-UfaNIPIneft "), VP Zakharov (OOO" RN-UfaNIPIneft ") , AG Telin (OOO "RN-UfaNIPIneft"), TAIsmagilov (OOO "RN-UfaNIPIneft") {tab = keywords} oil field wells, enhanced oil recovery, oil of high viscosity, carbonate reservoirs, the method of flooding, salinity flooding agent. {tab = Key words} oil field, a well, enhanced oil recovery, high viscous oil, Carbonate reservoirs, flooding procedures, salinity, water-flooding reagent {tab =} Abstract This paper shows the effect of the composite agent flooding on the effectiveness of oil recovery. represented by physical and chemical properties of the displacing agent. The role of salinity in the development of agent flooding slush collectors. {tab = ABSTRACT} The paper illustrated the influence of water-flooding reagent composition upon the efficiency of oil recovery. The authors present the physical and chemical parameters of the displacing agent. They also show the role of flooding reagent salinity in developing the shale reservoirs.

Method reogazohimicheskogo stimulation

Method of Rheo-gas-chemical Reservoir Application Procedure

Kulagin, SL, Zemtsov J., Galimov SS Kulagin SL, Zemtsov Yu.V., Galimov Sh.S. {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Kulagin SL / OOO "KogalymNIPIneft" / kul.sergey @ list.ru, Zemtsov Y. / OOO "KogalymNIPIneft" / Galimov SS / CCI "Kogalymneftegas" / Kulagin SL (OOO "KogalymNIPIneft"), Zemtsov Yu.V (OOO "KogalymNIPIneft"), Galimov Sh.S. (TPP "Kogalymneftegas") {tab = keywords} increase oil recovery factor replacement, oil reservoir, reogazohimicheskaya technology, enhanced oil recovery. {Tab = Key words} EOR, oil displacement factor, oil pool, rheo-gas-chemical application, enhanced oil recovery procedure {tab = Abstract} This article is devoted to the new method of enhanced oil recovery - Technology reogazohimicheskogo stimulation, which can increase recovery factor Oil not only by increasing the enrollment rate flooding, but also by increasing the displacement efficiency. The results of laboratory tests and commercial introduction of technology in the wells Vateganskogo field, offers advice on its further use. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The paper is dedicated to a new enhanced oil recovery procedure - method of rheo-gas chemical effect upon the reservoir. This enables to increase the oil recovery factor but only by the increase in oil sweep factor by flooding, but also by the increase in oil displacement efficiency. The authors present the lab test results and the field procedure application practices at the wells of Vat-Yeganskoye oil field and also provide the recommendation on how to use this procedure in future.

Technology to improve oil recovery flooded wells

Enhanced Oil Recovery for the Reservoir with High Water Content Wells

Mokrushin AA Mokrushin AA {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Mokrushin AA / ZAO "Polieks" / Mokrushin AA (ZAO "Polyex") {tab = keywords} water cut, oil wells, flow interstratal, wells with high water content, enhanced recovery of oil, oil-saturated layers. {Tab = Key words} water-cut, oil producer, interlayer cross-flow, high water content well, stimulation of oil production, oil saturated layers {tab = Abstract} The results of the application of technology to improve oil recovery flooded wells. To solve the problem of selective placement of the whipstock acid compositions by JSC "POLIEKS" formulated the main requirements to be met given composition. The result is a new research based on the diverter agent geliruyuschego SURFOGEL grade E, which meets all the requirements of {tab = ABSTRACT} The paper contains the results of EOR procedure application at the reservoir with high water content. In order to solve the needs in selective placement of acid composition diverters the experts of ZAO "POLYEX" have made-up the basic requirements that these compositions should satisfy with. The study results in designing a new chemical diverter at the basis of SURFOGEL (type E) gel agent that satisfies all the requirements completely.

The organization of dual injection to extract hard-to-oil

Arrangement of Duel Injection Operations to Produce the Hard-to-Recover Oil Reserves

Svetashev NN Kireev, AM, Svetashev VN Kalashnikov, EE Svetashov NN, Kireev AM, Svetashov VN, Kalashnikov EE {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Svetashev NN / OOO "Yugson_Servis" / Kireev, AM / OOO "Yugson_Servis" / Svetashev VN / OOO "Yugson_Servis" / Kalashnikov, EE / OOO "Yugson_Servis" / Svetashov NN (OOO "Yugson-Service"), Kireev AM (OOO "Yugson-Service"), Svetashov VN (OOO "Yugson-Service"), Kalashnikov EE (OOO "Yugson-Service") { Keywords tab =} hard-to-stock, mnogopakernaya layout, supply of hydrocarbons, multihorizont field, reservoir, low-productivity area of ​​the deposit. {Tab = Key words} Hard-to-recover reserves, multi-packer equipment set, hydrocarbon raw material reserves, multi-layer fields, reservoir, low-productivity field block {tab = Abstract} The results of the benefits of technology at the same time and injection to retrieve the stranded oil reserves. Technology can improve the profitability of the development of low-productivity areas with deposits of communion to the development of non-industrial stocks, to reduce the capital cost of the downhole equipment injection wells, reducing the cost of field development and operating costs by reducing the number of required wells. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The presented results show the advantages of applying the duel injection procedure to produce the hard-to-recover oil reserves. This procedure enables to increase the net cost of low-production field blocks development together with the introduction of non-commercial reserves into operation, to drop the capital costs for the injection well equipment, to decrease the cost of field development process and current operation expenses through the reduction in the required number of wells.

Equipment and technology infrachastotno-wave action on the PPP chemicals production and injection wells

Equipment and Procedures of Infra-frequency and Wave Effect of the Chemicals Upon the BH of Production and Injection Wells

Skachedub AA Kononenko, P., Kozlov, OV, Matsygorov AA Slidenko VM, LK Listovschik Skatchedub AA, Kononenko PI, Kozlov OV, Matsygorov AA, Slidenko VM, Listovschik LK {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Skachedub AA / ZAO "Renfors" / Kononenko, PI / ZAO "Renfors" / Kozlov, OV / ZAO "Renfors" / Matsygorov AA / ZAO "Renfors" / VM Slidenko / National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI" / Listovschik LK / National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI" / Skatchedub AA (ZAO "Renforce"), Kononenko PI (ZAO "Renforce"), Kozlov OV (ZAIO "Renforce"), Matsygorov AA (ZAO "Renforce"), Slidenko VM (Ukrainian National Technical University "KPI"), Listovschik LK (Ukrainian National Technical University "KPI") {tab = keywords} pulse-wave technology, chemicals, plastic, packer, oil field, hard-to-oil reservoir pressure, productivity of wells. {Tab = Key words} pulse-wave procedure, chemical reagent, reservoir, packer, oil field, hard-to-recover oil, formation pressure, oil well productivity {tab =} Abstract The analysis of modern methods and means vibrovolnovogo impact on reservoirs oil wells. We describe the developed JSC "Renfors" technology and equipment infrachastotno-wave action of chemical reagents on the PPP production and injection wells. The results of field tests that have confirmed their high efficiency at low cost. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The authors provide the analysis of modern procedures and means of vibro-wave effect upon the oil reservoirs. The paper contains the description of infra-frequency and wave chemical application procedures designed by ZAP "Renforce" upon the BH of production and injection wells. It also contains the field test results that verify the procedure high efficiency at relatively low operation costs.

Experience more effective well stimulation by hydraulic fracturing in JSC "Gazprom Neft"

Practical Experience of OAO "Gazpromneft" In Increasing the Well Stimulation Effectiveness by Hydro-fracturing

Faizullin IG Faizullin IG {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Faizullin IG / OOO "Gazpromneft STC" / contact: Fayzullin.IG @ gazpromneft-ntc.ru Faizullin IG (OOO "Gazpromneft NTC") {tab = keywords} stimulation of wells, mineral resources of hydrocarbon raw materials, hard-to-stock, permeability, hydraulic fracturing, geliruyuschy polymer flow rate per well, the method of hydraulic fracturing. {Tab = Key words} well stimulation, mineral resource base in hydrocarbon materials, hard-to-recover reserves, reservoir permeability, reservoir hydro-fracturing, gel polymer, well production rate, hydro-fracturing {tab =} Abstract The analysis of the parameters determining the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing, the results of applying modern technologies to improve the effectiveness of well stimulation by hydraulic fracturing in JSC "Gazprom Neft". The basic advantages and disadvantages of foam fracturing. The efficiency of the experimental work on foam fracturing technology, held at the Priobskoye field of LLC "Gazprom Neft-Khantos." All wells with foam fracturing differ significantly slower flow rates drop after you start to work in comparison with adjacent, the cycle of development decreased by 25%. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The author presents the analysis of parameters that define the effectiveness of hydro-fracturing, also presents the results of modern well stimulation procedures application (hydro-fracturing) at OAO "Gaspromneft". The paper shows the advantages and drawbacks of foam hydro-fracturing jobs, the effectiveness of pilot jobs with the procedure of foam hydro-fracturing performed at Priobskoye field of OOO "Gazpromneft-Khantos" Co. All the wells treated by form hydro-fracturing procedures show less speedy production rate drop after well commissioning compared to the adjacent wells, the well start-up period has been reduced by 25%.


The method of selection of optimal downhole screened pipe

Kuznetsov AA Kuznetsov AA {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Kuznetsov AA / OOO "RN-SakhalinNIPImorneft" / Kuznetsov AA / OOO "RN-SakhalinNIPImorneft" / {tab = keywords} oil, sand control technologies, fixing layer zones (PPP) screened pipe, mechanical fastening PPP. {Tab = Key words} oil production, sand control procedures, casing in BH zone, sand control filters, mechanical casing of BH zone. {Tab =} Abstract In this paper we attempt to organize all available information about the different methods of selection and analysis of the screened pipe, and proposes a simple and effective solution to the problem of selection screened pipe, which will significantly reduce the technological and economic risks associated with this type of protivopesochnogo equipment. Emphasis is placed on a mechanical mount the PPP as the most universal way of solving problems of sand. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The author of the paper makes an attempt to arrange all available information on various procedures in selecting and analyzing sand control filters and also proposes a simple and effective solution on how to make this selection. This will enable to reduce significantly the process and economic risks related to the application of this type of sand control equipment. The author also stresses the aspects of mechanical casing in BH zone, as the most commonly used method to control sand incoming the well.

The realities of repair of gas wells in Western Siberia

Realities in Servicing Western Siberian Gas Wells

Kustyshev AV Kustyshev AV {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Kustyshev AV / OOO "TyumenNIIgiprogaz" / contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Kustyshev AV (OOO "TyumenNIIgiprogas") {tab = keywords} gas well, reservoir pressure, bottomhole zone of the reservoir, packer, well killing, fixing the PPP, waterproofing, installation of coiled tubing. {Tab = Key words} gas well, formation pressure, BH zone, packer, well killing, cementing in BH zone, water shut-off, coiled-tubing rig {tab = Abstract} The state of repair of wells in Western Siberia. Basic framework for most major and taken a long time operated mine - Bear. It focused the main complications that arise during the development of gas fields, it tested the new technology of repair gas wells. Examines the success and efficiency of the repair. We propose new technical solutions aimed at improving the efficiency of repair work. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The author considers the status of well service jobs in Western Siberia. Medvezhye field is taken as the basis being the largest and the most lengthy operated field. It is a center of the main problems that come out during the gas field developments. It is also a pilot field to test the new procedures of gas well maintenance. The author also analyzes the rate of success and the efficiency of the performed service operations. He also proposes the new technical decisions aimed at increasing the efficiency of performed well servicing jobs.

Systems Process Control Company "STC GEOSTAR"

Systems to Monitor OOO "STK GEOSTAR" Processes

Larionov, AN Larionov AN {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Larionov AN / OOO "STC GEOSTAR" / Larionov AN (OOO "STK GEOSTAR") {tab = keywords} mobile station, portable station, the underground repair of wells, process the liquid injection technology, control and measuring equipment, sensor control, cementing wells, drilling . {Tab = Key words} mobile station, portable station, well work-over, process fluid, injection procedure, control instrument, control sensor, well cementing, drilling {tab =} Abstract This paper provides an overview of mobile and portable stations, control technology series of processes GEOSTAR-PKRS, widely used in underground repair of wells (cattle, OPP, BOPZ, EMG) and allow real-time control of parameters of process fluids injected.


The present paper contains the overview of mobile and portable process monitoring stations of ⌠GEOSTAR-PKRS■ series that are widely applied during well work-over jobs (well servicing, well work-over, BH treatments, HF) and enable to perform the on-line monitoring of changes in parameters of the injected process fluids.

Новый подход к очистке жидкости глушения

New Approach Towards Well Kill Fluid Treatment

Найденов В.И. Naideonov VI

Об авторах

Найденов В.И. /ЗАО "3М Россия"/ контакты: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Naideonov VI (ZAO ⌠3M Russia■)

Ключевые слова

текущий ремонт скважин, призабойная зона пласта, коррозионно-агрессивная среда, нефтедобывающие компании, фильтрационная установка DUOFLO TM, устье скважины.

Key words

routine well maintenance, BH zone, corrosive media, oil producing company, DUOFLO TM filtration unit, well-head


Представлен новый подход к очистке жидкости глушения. В настоящее время несколько десятков бригад ТРС в г. Нижневартовске и г. Ноябрьске постоянно и успешно применяют мобильные фильтры DUOFLO≥. Их внедрению способствовали, с одной стороны, обеспечение высокого качества фильтрата, с другой - легкость, удобство и экономия времени при обслуживании. Технология тонкой финальной фильтрации на устье скважины показала, что она применима даже в экстремальных зимних условиях.


The author presents the new approach towards well kill fluid treatment. At present several well maintenance crews in Nizhnevartovsk and in Noyabrsk are constantly and successfully using the DUOFLO≥ mobile filters. On the one hand their application had resulted in obtaining high-quality filtrate, and on the other hand it has provided the simplicity, convenience and time-saving during their maintenance. The procedure of final fine filtration at the well-head has shown that it is applicable even in the extremely cold weather conditions.

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