"Oil. Gas. Innovations ╩№ 7 / 2011
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Glavnvya theme rooms: 6th International Scientific Conference Modern technologies of well workover and oil recovery enhancement. Development prospects
Problems of the fields
Reasons mezhkolonnyh pressures and ways of solving problems on Chinarevskoye gas condensate field
Reasons of Annular Pressure and the Ways to Resolve This at Chinarevskoye Oil-Gas-Condensate Field
Chelpin NS Chelpin NS {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Chelpin NS / TOO "Zhaikmunai" / contact: nikolay.chelpin @ zhaikmunai.kz Chelpin NS (TOO "Zhaikmunai ') {tab = keywords} mezhkolonnoe pressure, well, the technological solution, deposit, casing, wellhead pressure. {Tab = Key words} annular pressure, a well, process solution, oil field, casing, well-head pressure {tab =} Abstract This article analyzes the experience of LLP "Zhaikmunai" in carrying out the complex reasons for establishing mezhkolonnyh pressures. As a result of grazing activities and the elimination of angular momentum in the wells CHNGKM the problem has now much reduced. There is absolutely no wells with dangerous MCD. The pressure and volume of bleed fluid does not exceed the limit value. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The paper presents the practical experience of TOO "Zhaikmunai" in performing the operations to define the reasons of annular pressure. As a result of completed depressurizing actions and annular pressure control in the wells of the Chinarevskoye field the acute of the problem was severely reduced by now. At present there are no wells with hazardous annular pressure. The pressure parameters and the volume of the release fluids do not exceed the maximum allowable values.